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Integrating social media with the ad experience

When you design your creative with social media in mind, you can integrate the ad experience with popular social media sites. For example, you can embed social media content such as recent Twitter tweets in your ad. You can also make it easy for viewers to share your ad on social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and so on. See the following sections:

Adding richly interactive functionality to a creative with social media widgets

Widgets are the recommended way to add a customizable, richly interactive social experience to an In-Banner Video, In-Stream Video, or Rich Media ad experience. The Mixpo Media Library contains a variety of social widgets that work across devices. For background information and steps to add a social media widget to your creative, see the following:

Adding a clickable social media icon to a creative

You can add a social media icon to your creative, then open a social media website when viewers click the icon. The Mixpo Media Library includes high-quality icons for a variety of social media sites. Add an icon as an image overlay, then specify the website that you want to open when viewers click the icon. For steps, see Adding an image overlay to a creative and Opening a webpage when a viewer clicks an ad.

Adding social media links to an In-Banner Video player

You can quickly provide links to an advertiser's social media sites by incorporating social media icons into an In-Banner Video's player skin.

Before you start

To add social media links to an In-Banner Video ad's player skin

  1. Navigate to the Division, Account, and Campaign of the creative.
  2. Click the Campaign Management tab, then click the Creatives tab.
  3. Click Edit for the creative. The Mixpo Studio opens.
  4. Select the Timeline canvas tab, then click the Video tab.
  5. In the Social media options area, select from the following:
    • To display a link to your Facebook page, select the Facebook icon check box, then type the address of your Facebook page.
    • To display a link to your Twitter feed, select the Twitter icon check box, then type the address of your Twitter page.
  6. Click Save.
  7. To test that the creative appears the way that you want it to, return to the Mixpo Platform and click Preview.

Preparing In-Stream Video creatives to share on social media

When viewers share an In-Stream Video ad on a social media site, the image that appears on the social media site is the first frame of the video. In many cases, the first frame of a video is black, so a black box is displayed. Instead, you can ensure that an interesting and engaging image is shared by selecting an image to display when viewers share the video.

To select an image for sharing In-Stream Video ads on social media

  1. Navigate to the Division, Account, and Campaign of the creative.
  2. Click the Campaign Management tab, then click the Creatives tab.
  3. Click Edit for the creative. The Mixpo Studio opens.
  4. Click the Video tab.
  5. In the Social Poster Settings area, click Choose custom StartFrame.
  6. Select an image from your Media Library, then click OK.
    Tip: You can display an image that you extract from your video. For steps to extract an image, see Extracting images from a video file.
  7. Optionally, adjust the Controls settings.
  8. Click Save.
  9. To test that the creative appears the way that you want it to, return to the Mixpo Platform and click Preview.
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