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Adding audio content to a creative

You can add an audio track or sound effects to a creative, to increase the impact of the creative's visual content. The Mixpo Library includes a variety of audio content to choose from.

Before you start

To add an audio track to a creative

  1. Navigate to the Division, Account, and Campaign of the creative.
  2. Click the Campaign Management tab, then click the Creatives tab.
  3. Click Edit for the creative. The Mixpo Studio opens.
  4. Click the Timeline Canvas tab.
  5. Click the Overlays tab, then click Audio.
  6. Click Library.
  7. Select the audio track or sound effects that you want to include. A preview of the content plays. When you are satisfied with your selection, click Add.
  8. To specify when during the video you want the audio to play, do the following:
    1. ​In the Duration field, type the number of seconds that you want the audio to play for.
    2. In the Start time field, type the number of seconds into the video that you want the audio to start playing.
    Tip: You can also drag the image overlay on the visual timeline to adjust the timing. For steps, see Adjusting the timing of video content using the visual timeline.
  9. Adjust the volume using the Volume slider.
  10. If you want the audio to repeat, select the Loop check box.
  11. Click Save.
  12. To test that the creative appears the way that you want it to, return to the Mixpo Platform and click Preview.
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