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Adding a parallax effect to a creative

Parallax is a design effect where the position or direction of an object appears to differ when viewed. Parallax allows separate components of a page to move at different speeds when a user scrolls a web page (on desktop or mobile).

What you need to know before you start

  • Ad types supported: non-expanding In-banner video (IBV) and rich media

  • Where you’ll add it in the studio
    • In-Banner Video = Timeline Canvas Tab

    • Rich Media = Interactive Display Tab

How to add the Parallax effect to a creative

  1. Navigate to the Division, Account, and Campaign of the creative.
  2. Click the Campaign Management tab, then click the Creatives tab.
  3. Click Edit for the creative. The Mixpo Studio opens.
  4. Select the canvas tab that you want to add the widget to.
  5. Click the Overlays tab and select the image you would like to apply the parallax effect to.
  6. Select the Vertical Parallax check box.
  7. Click Save.
  8. To test that the creative appears the way that you want it to, return to the Mixpo Platform and click Preview.
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