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Adding a Weather Feed widget to a creative

You can display real-time weather conditions on your ad with the Weather Feed widget.

Weather Feed widget example

Depending on the weather, the following icons are displayed:

Weather Feed widget icons

To display an image that automatically changes based on weather conditions, see Adding a Weather Trigger widget to a creative.

Before you start

To add a Weather Feed widget to a creative

  1. Navigate to the Division, Account, and Campaign of the creative.
  2. Click the Campaign Management tab, then click the Creatives tab.
  3. Click Edit for the creative. The Mixpo Studio opens.
  4. Add the widget to your creative:
    1. Select the canvas tab that you want to add the widget to.
    2. Click the Overlays tab, then click Widget.
    3. Click Our stock library.
    4. Select the Weather Feed widget, then click Add media. The widget is added to your creative.
  5. Select the Weather Feed widget. In the settings area, new widget options appear.
  6. In the Overlay name field, type a name for the widget. The name is displayed in reports about the widget.
  7. You can adjust the layout of the information that is displayed. Select the desired layout from the Choose Layout drop-down list.
  8. Specify which types of information you want to display on the widget, such as a weather icon, temperature, or location:
    • Include weather icon: Displays an icon for the weather.
    • Include temperature: Displays the temperature, in degrees Fahrenheit.
    • Include weather condition: Displays a description of the weather, such as scattered clouds.
    • Include city/state: Displays the name of the location that the weather conditions are for.
  9. By default, each viewer sees weather for their own location. If you want to display the weather for a specific US city and state, regardless of the viewer's location, select the Customize location check box, then type the City and State.
    Note: The widget is proportioned to accommodate a variety of city and state names. If your city has a short name, blank space is included on the right side of the widget. The longest city and state name that displays is Rancho Santa Margarita, CA.
  10. To change the size of the widget, click and drag the sizing handles on the corners of the widget.
    Note: To make sure that the live ad is optimized for mobile devices, the widget should be at least 44 × 44 pixels, so that it is big enough for viewers to tap. If you added the widget to the Timeline Canvas tab, leave at least 44 pixels between the widget and the bottom of the creative, so that viewers can tap the video player controls.
  11. Adjust the color of the widget by selecting colors from the Main Color and Data Credit Color color pickers.
  12. If you added the widget to the Timeline Canvas tab, specify how you want the widget to appear in your video sequence. Do the following:
    1. ​From the Enter and Exit drop-down lists, select the entrance and exit animation effects.
    2. In the Duration field, type the number of seconds that you want the widget to appear for.
    3. In the Start time field, type the number of seconds into the video that you want the widget to appear.
    Tip: You can also drag the widget on the visual timeline to adjust the timing. For steps, see Adjusting the timing of video content using the visual timeline.
  13. Click Save.
  14. To test that the creative appears the way that you want it to, return to the Mixpo Platform and click Preview.
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