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Copying a creative

You can copy your creative to use in a different campaign or as a starting point for a similar creative. A creative copy is a completely unique creative, and is not connected to the original creative. See the following sections:

  • Copy a creative into a different campaign: If you are going to reuse the creative in your campaign. For example you want to reuse creative from the campaign Summer 2016 in your upcoming campaign Summer 2017. You can only copy into campaigns in Accounts you have permission to access. For more information on permissions, see Creating and managing user accounts. See To copy a creative into a different campaign.
  • Copy a creative to a different creative type: If the creative includes similar assets or layouts that serve as a helpful starting point for a new creative. You can only copy between creative types that have at least one Mixpo Studio tab in common. If your original creative had one tab and your new creative has two tabs, it's very important that you edit the creative to add content to the new tab. You can traffic the creative without adding content, but the viewer will have a poor experience. For more information, see Navigating the Mixpo Platform and Mixpo Studio. See To copy a creative to a different creative type.

Before you start

To copy a creative into a different campaign

  1. Navigate to the Division, Account, and Campaign of the creative.
  2. Click the Campaign Management tab, then click the Creatives tab.
  3. Locate the creative that you want to preview, then click the copy icon.
  4. Update the Division, Account, and Campaign drop-down lists to set the location the creative copies to.
  5. Click Copy Creative. The creative is copied into the designated campaign. 

To copy a creative to a different creative type

  1. Navigate to the Division, Account, and Campaign of the creative.
  2. Click the Campaign Management tab, then click the Creatives tab.
  3. Locate the creative that you want to preview, then click the copy icon.
  4. Update the Creative typeEnvironmentDimensions, and Expanded dimensions drop-down lists. For steps, see Assembling a creative from scratch.
  5. Click Copy Creative.
  6. If needed, click the Edit icon. Mixpo Studio opens.
  7. Adjust the creative. 
  8. To save your changes, click Save, then select from the following:
    • To preview your creative, click Return to the Dashboard. The Mixpo Platform opens. Click Preview next to the creative.
    • To continue editing your creative, click Continue editing.
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