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Customizing the close ad button

You can include a custom close ad button in expandable ads and panels.

In expanding ads, when a viewer clicks a custom close ad button, the ad collapses. The custom close ad button replaces the default close button that is normally displayed in the upper right corner of an expanded ad. You can place your custom close ad button anywhere on your ad.

In panels, when a viewer clicks a custom close ad button, the panel closes and the ad collapses. Alternatively, you can close a panel without collapsing the ad. For background information and steps, see Adding layers to creatives with panels.

Before you start

To add a custom close ad button

  1. Navigate to the Division, Account, and Campaign of the creative.
  2. Click the Campaign Management tab, then click the Creatives tab.
  3. Click Edit for the creative. The Mixpo Studio opens.
  4. Select the Timeline Canvas tab. Optionally, if you want to add a custom close ad button to a panel, select the Panels tab, then select the panel.
  5. Select the Overlays tab.
  6. Depending on the type of button that you want to add, select from the following:
    • To add a text button, click Text, then select the shape of the text box. In the Overlay text field, type the text that you want to display. For more information about customizing text overlays, see Adding a text overlay to a creative.
    • To add an image button, click Image, then click Library. If you want to upload a new image to your Media Library, click Campaign media, then click Upload media to Library, then upload the image. In your Media Library, select the image that you want to display, then click Add media.
  7. Expand the Actions area, then select Close ad.
  8. If you are adding a custom close button to a panel, click Done.
  9. To save your changes, click Save.
  10. To test that the creative appears the way that you want it to, return to the Mixpo Platform and click Preview.
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