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Targeting ads based on viewer location

You can deliver different content to viewers based on each viewer's geographic location. This enables you to build a single creative that includes dynamic content, customized to the location of each viewer. For example, you can build a nationally branded creative for a restaurant chain, then include special offers for the different franchises in each city.

Targeting viewers based on their geographic location is called geotargeting.

For examples of how you can deliver geographically targeted content to viewers, see Geotargeting examples.

At a high level, to enable geotargeting you do the following:

  1. Determine the geotargeting variables that you want to use. A geotargeting variable is a placeholder for the geographically targeted content that you want to include in your ad, such as country, city, and so on. For background information, see Understanding geotargeting variables.
  2. If you want to use custom variables, create a geotargeting profile. For steps, see Creating a geotargeting profile.
  3. Add geotargeting variables to your creatives. For steps, see the following:

You can analyze ad performance based on the location of your viewers. For steps, see Analyzing performance based on geographic location: Geotargeting Report.
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