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Adding a Tracking Pixel widget to a creative

You can collect data about video views by adding a Tracking Pixel widget to your ad. Place the widget at a specific point in the video timeline, and when a view reaches that point, the tracking pixel fires. If you place the widget on the StartFrame (the image a viewer sees before the ad expands), the tracking pixel fires as soon as the webpage with the ad loads.

Each widget fires the tracking pixel once, even if the user pauses and resumes the ad, replays the ad using the replay button, or clicks on the timeline and starts the video before the widget. If you want more than one pixel to fire, include multiple copies of the Tracking Pixel widget at different points on your ad's timeline.

Before you start

To add a Tracking Pixel widget to a creative

  1. Navigate to the Division, Account, and Campaign of the creative.
  2. Click the Campaign Management tab, then click the Creatives tab.
  3. Click Edit for the creative. The Mixpo Studio opens.
  4. Add the widget to your creative:
    1. Select the canvas tab that you want to add the widget to.
    2. Click the Overlays tab, then click Widget.
    3. Click Our stock library.
    4. Select the Tracking Pixel widget, then click Add media. The widget is added to your creative.
  5. Select the Tracking Pixel widget. In the settings area, new widget options appear.
  6. In the Overlay name field, type a name for the widget. The name is displayed in reports about the widget.
  7. In the Pixel URL field, type the URL to your third-party tracking pixel. You can ensure that the browser makes a new request by adding a random number macro anywhere in the URL: %%RANDOM%%.
  8. If you added the widget to the Timeline Canvas tab, do the following:
    1. In the Duration field, type the number of seconds that you want the widget to appear for.
    2. In the Start time field, type the number of seconds into the video that you want the tracking pixel to fire.
    Tip: You can also drag the widget on the visual timeline to adjust the timing. For steps, see Adjusting the timing of video content using the visual timeline.
  9. To add an additional URL, click + (the plus sign), then type the URL. Repeat these steps to add additional URLs.
  10. Click Save.
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