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Trafficking a campaign

  • Tracking ad impressions, views, and clicks

    If you run your ads through Mixpo but do your reporting in another system, you can track an ad's impressions, views, or clicks through the third-party system. To do this, you assign third-party tracking URLs (web addresses) to your ads. You can assign the following types of tracking URLs to an ad: Imp... Read More >>

  • Tracking conversions

    Conversion tracking enables you to determine what viewers do after they click your ad. This helps you understand how effectively your ads lead to valuable customer activity that provides a return on your advertising investment. For example, you can track how many people buy a product from your website, fill o... Read More >>

  • Retrieving an ad tag

    An ad tag is a piece of code that is inserted into a website. The website determines which ad to display by looking for the ad that is associated with the ad tag. You generate an ad tag when you assign a creative to a placement. To publish an ad, you retrieve the ad tag and incorporate it into the website or... Read More >>

  • Locating a creative, placement, or ad ID

    Each placement and creative in the Mixpo platform has a unique ID. When a creative is associated with a placement to create an ad, the ad is also assigned a unique ID. These IDs are crucial for troubleshooting. You can search on these IDs on the Division, Account, and Campaign tabs. For steps, see Searching f... Read More >>
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