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Designing mobile browser ads for the iPhone or iPad

When you create an ad that you want to display on a mobile web browser in a smartphone or tablet, consider the following best practices:

For information about the types of devices that viewers can watch your ads on, see System requirements for viewing Mixpo ads.

For steps to target multiple creatives in a single ad based on the type of device that a viewer watches the ad on, see Targeting creatives based on the viewer's device type.

Best practices for assembling a creative for a mobile browser


Depending on how a viewer interacts with an ad while the ad plays, an ad has the following behavior:

  • If a viewer taps the area around the controls at the bottom of the ad, the controls display. The area around the controls is 44 pixels tall.
  • If a viewer taps the central area of the ad, the clickthrough URL webpage opens in a new window.
  • If a viewer taps an overlay with a supported overlay action, the associated action occurs.
  • If a viewer taps an overlay with a non-supported overlay action, the webpage associated with the clickthrough URL opens.
Consider the following:
  • The following overlay actions are supported: Clickthrough, Print Action, Open Panel.
  • The following overlay settings are supported: Border size and color (not transparency) and Position and size.
  • You can set the Player Controls, Play Button color, or remove the play button. If you remove the play button, make sure to indicate in the StartFrame that the ad is a video.
  • The Minimalist player skin is supported.
  • If you do not create a custom StartFrame (the content that viewers see before they interact with your ad), the first frame of the video is displayed.
  • Do not include roll-over-to-play messaging in a custom StartFrame. Viewers must tap to play the ad.


  • Ads display as MPEG-4 (.mp4) video files.
  • When viewers close an ad using the close button, they can resume or replay the ad by tapping the play button. Viewers can open the clickthrough URL in a browser window by tapping anywhere in the ad other than the play button.
  • Overlays that are included on top of the video are not interactive. Overlays that are included in the StartFrame, on panels, or on the creative canvas outside the video element are interactive.

Best practices for configuring a placement for a mobile browser


  • Regardless of play mode, all ads play or expand on tap, play with audio, and do not have a countdown.


  • If the expansion behavior is full page takeover, ads are scaled to fill the screen in either portrait or landscape mode.
  • The Mixpo play mode setting (for example, roll over to play) is ignored. All ads play on tap.
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