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Targeting creatives based on a viewer's device type

To make sure the ad experience is optimized for each viewer, regardless of what type of device they're on (desktop, mobile, or tablet), you'll want to enable device targeting.

When you enable device targeting, you associate multiple creatives with one placement; which lets you traffic a single ad tag. We'll automatically display the right creative for each device type.

Note: If you change the creatives that you've included in device targeting, your ad will display uninterrupted and you can continue to use the same ad tag.

Before you start:

  1. If you haven't already created a placement need to create a placement then learn how to. If you already have one then you can edit it; just make sure the creatives that you want to include in your dayparting schedule have been created.

    NOTE: Make sure the creative is optimized for each device type. You can include In-Banner Video (IBV), Rich Media, and Image creatives in the same device targeting placement. You can also include In-Stream Video creatives in a device targeting placment with other In-stream Video creatives.

  2. If you haven't already made a creative you can make one from a template or make one from scratch.

    NOTE: Usually the creatives for each time slot include similar layouts and assets. We recommend that you create a copy of the original creative, then base your additional creatives on the copy. For steps on how to copy a creative, see Copying a creative.

    IMPORTANT: All creatives that you include in device targeting must use the same type of ad tag. For background information about selecting an ad tag, see Choosing the correct type of ad tag.

Set up targeting creatives:

  1. Navigate to your Campaign (select your Division, Account, and then Campaign).
  2. Click the Campaign Managementtab, then click on the Placements tab.
  3. Select the check box next to the Placement that you want to apply device targeting to, then click Edit placement on the right side of your screen.
  4. In the Assign Creative Area, select Multiple Creatives, then click Device Targeted.
  5. Select each creative that you want to display as follows:
  6. Specify the play mode, audio settings, and expansion behavior for the ad.  For more info see Assigning a creative to a placement.
  7. In the Set Up Ad Tag area, select the right Ad Tage Type for your add.  For help on this see Choosing the right ad tag.
  8. Click Save Placement. The creatives are assigned to the placement, and an ad tag will be created.
  9. To preview a specific ad, return to the Placements tab, then click on the name of the creative displayed in the Creatives column.
  10. Click Preview on the creative.
  11. If youw ant to preview the placement with teh rotation applied, go to the Placements tab, then click the eye icon.
  12. To get the ad tag for your ad, go to the Placements tab, then select teh check box next to the placement, then click Pull Tags. The ad tag will be downloaded as a text file, and you can use that to embed in your webiste or ad network where you're running your campaign.

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