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Glossary of Mixpo performance metrics

Mixpo uses the following definitions for performance metrics:

Note: Specific reports may include more detailed performance metrics. For definitions, see the glossary included with each report.

For an explanation of key performance indicators that you can review to understand the effectiveness of your advertising campaign, see Interpreting a campaign's key performance data.

Main ad metrics

Expand Counted each time an ad expands.
Impression Counted each time a viewer loads the webpage where an ad is embedded.
Impressions are a measure of how often people are presented with the opportunity to view your ad. For campaigns purchased on a CPM (cost per thousand impressions) basis, impression count is a way to confirm that advertisers receive as many impressions as they pay for.
Video Start Counted each time a viewer takes an action to play or replay an ad. Video Start actions vary by play mode:
  • Autoplay (a video plays automatically with audio off when a viewer loads the webpage where the ad is embedded): a Video Start is counted when a viewer:
    • Clicks to play the audio.
    • Clicks to replay the ad.
    • Clicks the volume control.
    • Clicks any overlay.
  • Roll Over to Play (a video plays when a viewer hovers their cursor over the ad player): a Video Start is counted when a viewer:
    • Hovers their cursor over the ad player long enough to load an ad, or to load and expand an ad.
    • Clicks to replay an ad.
  • Click to Play (a video and its audio play only after a viewer clicks the play button): a Video Start is counted when a viewer:
    • Clicks the play button or click-to-play message.
    • Clicks to replay an ad.

Main video metrics

25%, 50%, 75%, 100% Quartiles Counts how many viewers reach a specific quartile of an ad.
Average % Complete Percentage of viewers who completed an ad (100% / Video Starts).
Average % Viewed Percentage of an ad that viewers watched, averaged across all viewers.
Minutes Watched Total number of minutes all viewers of an ad watched.
Video Start Rate Measures active viewer interest. Calculated by dividing Video Starts by Impressions (Video Starts/Impressions). (In-Banner Video ads only)

Viewer actions

Clickthrough Counted when viewers click an element in an ad, such as an image overlay or a widget, and are taken to an external webpage.
Note: Companion ad clicks are not included in Clickthroughs for In-Stream Video ads.
Interaction Counted each time a viewer takes a purposeful action related to viewing or sharing an ad, but does not leave the ad experience.
Player Controls For In-Banner Video ads, player controls are recorded from Mixpo's player. For In-Stream Video ads, player controls are recorded from individual third-party publisher players.
User Actions Represents deliberate viewer actions on the creative elements of an ad. Calculated as Clickthroughs plus Interactions.

Viewer action metrics

Clickthroughs/Expands Clickthroughs based on the users who expanded the ad (Rich Media ads only). This indicates additional action taken by an engaged viewer expressing their interest in the ad.
Clickthroughs/Video Starts Clickthroughs based on the users who viewed the ad (In-Banner Video ads only). This indicates additional action taken by an engaged viewer expressing their interest in the ad.
CTR Clickthrough rate. Measures the direct response rate. (Clickthroughs / Impressions)
Engagement Rate Represents deliberate viewer actions on the creative elements of an ad along with viewer-initiated Video Starts and Player Controls. ([Clickthroughs + Video Starts + Interactions + Player Controls] / Impressions). (In-Banner Video ads only)
Expand Rate Measures active viewer interest. (Expands / Impressions)
Unique Panel Open The first time a viewer opens any panel from the main video. (Ad Interactivity Report only)
Unique Panel Open Rate The percent of Unique Panel Opens per Impressions. (Ad Interactivity Report only)
User Actions/Expands Represents deliberate viewer actions on the creative elements of an ad by viewers who expand the ad.
User Actions/Impressions Represents deliberate viewer actions on the creative elements of an ad by all people who have a chance to view that ad.
User Actions/Video Starts Represents deliberate viewer actions on the creative elements of an ad by active viewers.

Other metrics

Passive Events Events, logs, and milestones achieved in an ad that are informative, but are not included in any other calculation.
seconds ago
a minute ago
minutes ago
an hour ago
hours ago
a day ago
days ago
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