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Determining the status of Campaigns, placements, and creatives

You can see the status of your advertising campaign at a glance on the Campaign Management tab in Mixpo Platform.

Depending on the date range of a Campaign or a placement, the following statuses are possible:

  • Pre-flight: The date range of a Campaign or placement starts after today's date.
  • In-flight: Today's date is during the date range of a Campaign or placement.
  • Completed: The Campaign ended within the past 60 days. This status is applicable to Campaigns.
  • Archived: The Campaign ended more than 60 days ago. This status is applicable to Campaigns.

You can also determine whether the placements or creatives within a Campaign are currently being trafficked (delivering). A placement or a creative is considered to be delivering if it has individually served more than 1,000 impressions in the last 24 hours. The status of a Campaign is based on the status of placements and creatives included in the Campaign: when at least one placement or creative in a Campaign is delivering, the Campaign associated with it is also delivering.

A placement, creative, or Campaign that is delivering is displayed with a green dot:

Campaign that is delivering

You can make sure that ads are delivering as expected by looking at both status indicators of a Campaign. For example, if a Campaign has a status of "completed" but displays a green dot for "delivering," that means that at least one placement or creative is still generating impressions, even though the dates of the Campaign have passed. You might need to contact your advertiser to remove the ad, or adjust the dates of the Campaign in the Mixpo Platform if it is still ongoing.

When you drill down to an individual Campaign, the green dot for "delivering" is displayed on the Placements tab, next to each placement that is delivering:

Placement that is delivering

At an individual Campaign level, the green dot is also displayed on the Creatives tab, next to each creative that is delivering:

Creative that is delivering

Warning: If you delete a placement or a creative that is delivering, viewers will see a blank space instead of the ad. Instead, consider replacing the creative with new content. For steps, see Replacing videos, images, or text overlays.
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