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Searching a creative, placement, or ad

When you have many accounts and campaigns, or a campaign with multiple placements, creatives, and ads, you may want to conduct a search to single out a specific campaign element. Mixpo provides a search function where you can find your Placement, Creative, or Ad by:

  • ID - Ad ID, Placement ID, Creative ID. For steps, see Locating a creative, placement, or ad ID.
  • Name - Placement name, Creative name
  • Keywords - Division keywords, Account keywords, Campaign keywords, Placement keywords, Creative keywords

The search box is located at each level of hierarchy. To limit the search results to the most relevant elements, navigate to the lowest level of hierarchy. For background information, see Navigating the Mixpo Platform and Mixpo Studio.

Before you start

Searching for a Placement, Creative, or Ad

  1. Navigate to the lowest level of Division, Account, and Campaign.
  2. Under the Division, Account, or Campaign information header, click the search box and begin typing the search term. Several options appear in the drop-down list.
  3. Click the element to navigate to the associated campaign.
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