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Types of ad rotations for my campaigns

You can rotate the content that is displayed to each viewer by selecting a rotation method and assigning multiple creatives to a single placement. Once you've set up your rotation, the platform will automatically select the right creative to display to your viewers.

Below is a list of the rotation types you can choose from, and why you'd use them.


You can display different creatives to viewers depending on the time of day using dayparting.

Device targeting

To make sure that the ad experience is optimized for each viewer, regardless of what device they're on (desktop, tablet, or mobile) you can use targeting based on device type.

Weighted creative rotation

You can randomly display different creatives within a single ad to help determine which version of your ad is most effective. Test the success of your ad by weighing the creatives that are displayed to your viewers.

NOTE: You can have multiple rotation types in a single placement by nesting one ad optimization type within another type. When you do this, the rotations are applied in the order that you add them to the placement.

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