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Understanding Clients, Divisions, Accounts, and Campaigns

You will work with your Mixpo account representative to get your platform accounts in place.

When you add users, you can configure which Accounts and Divisions they have access to. For background information and steps, see Creating and managing user accounts.

In the Mixpo Platform, your advertising campaigns are organized into a hierarchy of Clients, Divisions, Accounts, and Campaigns.


In the Mixpo Platform, your company is called a Client. A Client is the highest level of the organizational hierarchy that individual users can belong to. Your account representative will create your Client.


A Division is a section of a larger organization, such as the different geographical divisions that make up a company. Divisions allow you to gather related Accounts into reasonably sized containers. When you become a Mixpo partner, the first thing we do is work with you to define the number of Divisions that you need.

For example, you could define a Division for each geographical region where you have advertisers. Or, you could define a Division for each publication within your network.

Each Division can have one or more Accounts. As containers, Divisions provide you with a convenient tool for managing Accounts, and for comparing and analyzing ad performance.


An Account is a brand or advertiser. Mixpo recommends that you create a separate account for each advertiser. Matching one advertiser to one account gathers all of an advertiser's ads in one place and makes it easier to create, track, and optimize them.

Each Account can have one or more Campaigns.

For steps to create a new Account, see Creating an Account.


A Campaign is a collection of ads that run in a specific timeframe and are tied together by a common objective, such as increasing engagement or awareness. Campaigns are where you assemble the visual content of your ads, called creatives; build placements, which determine where and how ads are trafficked; and associate creatives with placements to create ad units that can be trafficked.

For steps to create a new Campaign, see Creating a Campaign.
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