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Ad types

You can create a variety of types of ads in the Mixpo platform. When you determine which type of ad to create, you consider factors such as the types of content that you want to display, whether your ad includes videos, whether you want the ad to expand, how you want viewers to be able to interact with content in the ad, and so on, in order to optimize the ad experience. To learn more about the types of ads, see the following:

To view example ads, visit the Mixpo gallery at

Each ad that a viewer sees consists of two parts: the visual content of the ad, called a creative, and information about where and how the ad is trafficked, called a placement. Before you traffic an ad, you associate a creative with a placement. For steps to build creatives, see Assembling a creative from a template or Assembling a creative from scratch. For steps to build placements, see Creating a placement.

In-Banner Video ads

In-Banner Video ads display video and interactive elements within the ad, rather than opening a video player. An In-Banner Video (IBV) ad delivers a cohesive ad experience in two distinct states, depending on whether a viewer has interacted with the ad:

  1. Before a viewer interacts with the ad, an image and any interactive features are displayed. Your interactive display should contain a video-relevant call to action, as well as graphics supporting video playback, such as play buttons or player controls. You can include interactive features in the display state. The image that viewers see before the video plays is commonly called the StartFrame.
  2. When a viewer clicks the ad or hovers their cursor over the ad, the ad expands and the content of the ad's expanded state is displayed. This content can include videos, interactive features, layered content, additional design and branding, and so on.
    Tip: You can also build an In-Banner Video ad that does not expand, but that has two distinct states, depending on whether a viewer has interacted with the ad. Select Custom StartFrame when you build the creative.

In-Banner Video ads can display on desktop computers, tablets, phones, and in mobile apps.

In-Stream Video ads

In-Stream Video ads display time-limited video advertisements that can be shown before, during, or after a viewer sees video content in a video player. In-Stream Video (ISV) ads feel like a traditional television commercial. However, you can include interactive features and dynamic content in an In-Stream Video ad. In-Stream ads are commonly referred to as "pre-roll."

In-Stream Video ads can display on desktop computers, tablets, and phones.

Rich Media ads

Rich Media ads are ads that deliver interactive features, layers of content, and animation, without videos. Rich Media (RM) ads can be expanded to deliver additional content.

Rich media ads can display on desktop computers, tablets, phones, and in mobile apps.

Image ads

Image ads display a static image. Image (IMG) ads are not interactive, and display in a single non-expandable size.

Image ads can display on desktop computers, tablets, phones, and in mobile apps.

Tip: Image ads were formerly called display ads.

Connected TV (CTV)

Connected TV, or CTV, refers to inter-connected devices that stream content from a variety of sources. The content itself is known as Over The Top (OTT) programming. The key difference between Connected TV and traditional TV is that CTV is sourced from the Internet. Not only can you watch TV shows and movies from Netflix, Hulu, or Prime, but you can also stream non-traditional content from YouTube and similar websites.

CTV ads can display on desktop computers, tablets, phones, and in mobile apps.
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